Monday, April 27, 2009

size matters sometimes

the big dog told the little dog
'the sands of time have wasted
the times of the great ones are here
and you must bow down to our fury
give me that bone'

the little dog looked up at him
'the sky is vast in its appearance
the earth is nothing in comparison
yet it exists by its own right
likewise, this bone is rightly mine'

The big dog looked violent
he was keening in indignation
my patience is wearing thin!
that cute little expression is not working!
give me that bone or shall i rip you to shreds?

The little dog let the bone drop
morphed into a massive dog
much bigger than the big dog
kiled the big dog
morphed back
and settled back with his bone.

Actually, thats not the way things turned out
but he could always dream and plot
as he sulks in his little alley spot
-if that big dog thinks he'll forget
this disgrace to the face of his little-dog race
he can think again.


Is there any pleasure

Greater that you and i will find

Than when i have you bent over

And you're taking it from behind

Ripe, luscious

But you needent worry

The day I do anal

I truly will be sorry

Monday, April 20, 2009

temple of sex

temple of love hate revenge
sex, bigamy and destitution
false gods manifest
paganist infestation
the devil eventually acts

Mental Insurgent

Hammering an internal wall of obstruction
Requesting release from this mental construction
Lost in a world of ignorance
Where 'knowledge' is simply; percieved common sense.

Real knowing will not arise in a society of fools
Real knowing asks of humans to be more than mere tools
Real knowing liberates,
A journey into space
And a moon of a time in the rides of the night
A senseless ezscapada into the realms of a mystery
Uncovered and officially rendered unmysterious.

The skyline jerked as the cow appeared
Jumping over the moon, mocking rationality
Mocking sense and everything sensible
Mocking knowledge too
But knowledge fortuantely was the fate of perception
In the minds of a blind fool
Therefore it was devised into a joke-
Hey we knew!
That the cow didnt really jump over the moon,
The moon stooped.

Liberate me fool
Break me down this barrier
Who is me
Or the me percieved
By my knowlegde of the world
That obscures

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


sadist, a
he was inside
he wanted to lure
to tempt in
and then destroy.

to demoralize
to enjoy
the pain brought on another
to punish
mistakes that they couldn't undo
that which they couldn't but help

cruel, he was

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A short song on moronism

a re-engeneered countenance based on moronism
(it is better an ism that fascism or communism
the latter without a mechanism
- provided by capitalism -
which threw it away due the lack of a purpose
of an ism, such as communism)

getting back to the point,
its the ism to live by, to be cherished and preserved
when in an argument
when in a losing fight
to be used in reserve

an ism to dominate
the worst bouts of hate
an ism to create
the illusion of grandeur
the splint that holds your spine
in demoralizing times

the moron is upbeat
a confident face
which holds the world in disgrace
for ever thinking that this face
would crumble
and its composure replaced
by unrestraint.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Cupid's got a chokehold
And I'm fighting tooth and nail
Not least because
This scene is warped
But then again
Anything of this nature usually is

I cant decide what I want
I know its bad for me and it'll mean distraction
A whole lot of action and and monetary reduction
But my feet are on the ground and I have got some traction
I'm walking blind and deaf in that woman's direction

I'm writing jarring lines
I'm paying huge mental fines
my imagination runs a little wild
what do I do?

Do I take her out
or do I let her go?
Or do I ask her and see
If she'll let me in
And hope and pray
She doesn't
So I know that i've tried.

Oh ah yes!
Houston we have a problem
but nothing a little spacewalk
won't shake off
'Cos thats how i rumble